Listen to your heart

07 Mar

Sitting at my computer this morning rather than driving to my studio where the room is cluttered and the list is long. Remembering when I worked at a job that was sucking the life out of me while my soul dreamed of a day like today. In those times, when I thought my creativity was stifled because I was working at what I didn’t love, I dreamed of a day like today; work waiting on my bench and clients waiting for the result. However, I can say, looking back on those days, my creative energy was on fire. I dreamed ideas…new ways to say things…storied shapes speaking clearly…imagining my vision becoming reality and someone actually would care.

It all felt so alive and vibrant. And now I have work that isn’t drudgery. And I have the opportunity I hoped for. But I have to say that I miss those days when it felt like every nerve was on alert and my creative fire burned white hot.

So, if you find yourself conflicted between what you do to feed your family and what your heart longs for, embrace that conflict and the passion it reveals because in it you have been given the gift of seeing and knowing what is in your heart…. while many never know.


Posted by on March 7, 2012 in The Creative Life


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5 responses to “Listen to your heart

  1. Dave Anderson

    February 24, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    Thankfully you took time to sit a moment at your computer and pen the words so many of us need to hear, whether 16 years old or 70.

    That’s why I like to call you friend…not just because of who you are and what you do, but how you think…and share…and make all who come in touch with you richer for the experience.

    • scottstearmanstudio

      March 12, 2012 at 1:01 am

      Thanks Dave… The richness that’s exchanged goes both ways…can’t be who we are without all the people in our lives.

  2. Jim Kertsten

    March 10, 2012 at 1:16 pm

    Love reading your thoughts, Scott… As much as seeing the work if your hand. You know… Well, you just know. And I identify. Sorry so cryptic. But well… You know 😉

    Blessings to you.

  3. scottstearmanstudio

    March 12, 2012 at 1:01 am

    Thanks Jim….I know … everyone I’ve worked with, for, and under has helped make me who I am. Every experience made me better in some way.

  4. Eunice Khoury

    March 15, 2013 at 10:40 pm

    I had the opportunity to Meet your Mom yesterday. A very delightful lady. On display was the most awesome sculptures, each with it’s own story. Just stopped to take time to check out your website.
    God has very much blessed you with a talent that will live forever. Blessings Eunice Khoury
    tune in to 7:05 AM CST, I will honor your Mom with a “Salute” happy 85th birthday.


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